
Sadly, at the moment, most of our meetings are suspended.  You can find our Sunday Morning worship on our Facebook Page - Gracehill Moravian Church and on YouTube - search Gracehill Moravian Church.  We are currently running our Bible Study meeting by Zoom - please get in touch if you want details of how to join the Bible Study.

In normal times 

We meet for worship every Sunday Morning at 11am.  Our young people join us for the first part of the service and then go to their age related activities in Children's Church. We have tea and coffee at the end of our Morning Service and share news and fellowship. We have occasional afternoon and evening services.

We have a prayer service in Church on Thursday mornings with a short liturgy and prayers for the local community, our Province and the world.

We have a Boys Brigade and Girls Brigade that meets on a Monday (BB) and Tuesday (GB)  evening during the Autumn and Spring terms.  

Our Parents and Tots Group meets on a Tuesday morning and follows the Gracehill Primary School term dates.   

Our Youth Fellowship for young people at Secondary School meets fortnightly on Sunday Evenings.  

Every summer holidays we run a week long Holiday Bible Club. 

We have a weekly Bowls Club  and a fortnightly Bible Study.  

Our Men's Fellowship and Moravian Women's Association both meet monthly. 

We have other social and training activities that are announced as and when they occur. 

We welcome everyone to come and join us for worship or any of our other activities.